Workers Compensation in Naperville, Illinois

Getting Workers Compensation coverage in Naperville, IL is vital to your company. Workers Compensation is insurance that provides wage replenishment and medical benefits to your employees, who have been injured or developed a sickness from the job.

The laws of Workers Compensation entitles all your employees to receive compensation for injuries that they had during their job duties, or illness which was acquired at your place of business.

Workers Compensation in Naperville, Illinois

Some More About Workers Compensation

Employers are responsible to pay for Workers Compensation Insurance and is not the responsibility of the employee. Medical care and benefits in Naperville, Illinois are paid by your companies insurance carrier. This information is presented to every employer from the Workers Compensation Board.

Having read the information which has been provided to your company is to educate you further on the laws of Workers Compensation in Naperville, IL. This information is to inform you of your rights and to protect your business, as well as your employees.

After investigating the employees claim and the Insurance carrier concludes that the injury was work-related, the Workers Compensation claim can then be paid to the injured party.

If the investigation proves that the injury wasn’t work-related, the Insurance carrier can then dispute the claim and wait for the Workers Compensation board to reach a verdict.